Our Team


Dincel Sukrettin

BA in Language Teaching from Near East University

MCI International Diploma in Montessori Pedagogy.

Ten years teaching English as a foreign language.

Ten years experience in Montessori education in her successfully run Kindergarten in Girne.

Position at our school, head of the educational programme and a member of the school management team.

A mother of two, an educator with heart and soul. 


Özgül Hanim 

BA in Education from the Rotterdam University for Professional Education.

Principal in private elementary school in Girne for 5 years. Additional 15 years experience as an English teacher in Cyprus and the Netherlands. 

At our school she is the Headteacher and Head of the English Department.

A dedicated teacher who decided to support our project with all her heart.


Angela Zinner

The mother of two is a state-approved sports and gymnastics teacher, specialising in children and senior citizens, as well as a dance teacher, Pilates trainer using the original method and certified babywearing consultant.


At our school, she is head of physical education, primarily responsible for the ‘Moving School’ project and a member of the school council.




Petra Reick

MA in Linguistics and Literature from the Humboldt University in Berlin. She spent 12 years in a managerial position at the German National Museum of Technology.

At our school, she is head of the German Language and human resources department and a member of the school management.


Kağan Zinner

The father of two worked for 4 years in a children's and youth home and was a speech therapist (MA of Science FU Berlin) at the Charité in Berlin. He has 30 years of experience as a youth football coach and scout leader.  


Member of the school management and responsible for extracurricular projects. 


As a supporter of the principle of free learning, he hopes for a global change in school systems so that children can teach and learn with joy in order to realise their full potential.



Uri Reick

BA in History and Philosophy from the university of Tel-Aviv 

Experienced in facility and project management.

Member of the school management and responsible for project development.