What is the pillar model?
Initiatives and research groups are focussing on the topic of School in Movement. Movement increases attention and motivation. At the same time tolerance for frustration increases and aggression decreases. This system Implements findings of neuroscience.
1. Lesson in Motion
A central principle concern is bringing a rhythm into the lessons, where phases of tension and relaxation are alternated. This sensory relief is essential for the retention of learning content and further motivation. Concentration and cognitive performance are activated by the dynamic alternation of strain and relief. The postural apparatus remains healthy. Flexible equipment creates the necessary conditions for teacher centred lessons, group work or individual learning.
2. Active Break Time
To counteract the lack of physical activity, children have free access to a variety of break time equipment in the school garden, corridors and classrooms during an extended break. This lays the foundation for the joy of movement as a lifelong quality.
3. Living space
The prepared rooms make the learning space user oriented and motivate the children through material, form and colour. Corridors, staircases, classrooms and the school environment are created as spaces for movement.
4. Health Education
Health promoting physical education means activating the senses. Promoting awareness is not only the starting point for performance in sports. A holistic view is applied also to posture and regeneration.
5 School community
We consider all members of the school community, teachers, assistants, cleaners, kitchen staff, parents and students as an integral part of a whole. We believe in close cooperation where everyone plays their part in creating a supportive and conducive learning environment. This approach lays the foundation for understanding how an organisation functions.